A magical journey into the extraordinary potential of the human mind, as part of the UKs Unboxed festival
A magical journey into the extraordinary potential of the human mind, as part of the UKs Unboxed festival
A magical journey into the extraordinary potential of the human mind, as part of the UKs Unboxed festival
Commissioned by
HM Government
London/UK Wide

One of the more unusual projects we have participated in, Pecelec were commissioned to create early stage prototypes and ongoing technical support for Dreamachine, a project as part of the UKs unboxed festival, led by the visionary Jen Crook. The experience was inspired by a device conceived by artist–inventor Brion Gysin, which used flickering light to create vivid illusions, kaleidoscopic patterns and explosions of colour in the mind of the viewer.
The kaleidoscopic world created by the Dreamachine comes from within, and as you take a seat within the circle and close your eyes, flickering white light and 360-degree spatial sound weave seamlessly together to generate a luminous and technicolour internal world – all created by the power of your own brain and completely unique to you.
Pecleec assisted in the early stage prototyping of the system, creating various small scale prototypes of the system for testing, along with scaling these prototypes to small and medium scale previews of the installation, then moving the system to a commercially available lighting system, before handing over to a touring production company for the final 6 month run.
Photo Credit: Dreamachine / Devid Levine
One of the more unusual projects we have participated in, Pecelec were commissioned to create early stage prototypes and ongoing technical support for Dreamachine, a project as part of the UKs unboxed festival, led by the visionary Jen Crook. The experience was inspired by a device conceived by artist–inventor Brion Gysin, which used flickering light to create vivid illusions, kaleidoscopic patterns and explosions of colour in the mind of the viewer.
The kaleidoscopic world created by the Dreamachine comes from within, and as you take a seat within the circle and close your eyes, flickering white light and 360-degree spatial sound weave seamlessly together to generate a luminous and technicolour internal world – all created by the power of your own brain and completely unique to you.
Pecleec assisted in the early stage prototyping of the system, creating various small scale prototypes of the system for testing, along with scaling these prototypes to small and medium scale previews of the installation, then moving the system to a commercially available lighting system, before handing over to a touring production company for the final 6 month run.
Photo Credit: Dreamachine / Devid Levine
One of the more unusual projects we have participated in, Pecelec were commissioned to create early stage prototypes and ongoing technical support for Dreamachine, a project as part of the UKs unboxed festival, led by the visionary Jen Crook. The experience was inspired by a device conceived by artist–inventor Brion Gysin, which used flickering light to create vivid illusions, kaleidoscopic patterns and explosions of colour in the mind of the viewer.
The kaleidoscopic world created by the Dreamachine comes from within, and as you take a seat within the circle and close your eyes, flickering white light and 360-degree spatial sound weave seamlessly together to generate a luminous and technicolour internal world – all created by the power of your own brain and completely unique to you.
Pecleec assisted in the early stage prototyping of the system, creating various small scale prototypes of the system for testing, along with scaling these prototypes to small and medium scale previews of the installation, then moving the system to a commercially available lighting system, before handing over to a touring production company for the final 6 month run.
Photo Credit: Dreamachine / Devid Levine